Tuesday, September 30, 2008

#35 Micro or Mini Blogging

I like the concept of mini blogging but I'm not online enough to want to start up my own account. I know there are people who spend a lot of time online and, especially if you're on Facebook, I think having the mini blog to update your status adds another dimension to your virtual identity. In terms of use in the library I was thinking that on the Kid's Catalogue we could have a virtual library cat answering questions (instead of a librarian). The cat could live in the Kid's Catalogue and give regular updates on it's movements throughout the day via a mini blog...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

#34 Using the Web for Better Health

I had a look at FitDay and I really liked this site and found it very informative. I walk 4kms about 4 times a week and was interested to see that this doesn't burn a whole heap of calories. I may have to get back on the treadmill. It was good to see what nutrients I don't get enough of on a normal day. The only drawback was the Americanism (chocolate biscuits weren't listed - I had to search for 'crackers'). Listing all the foods you have eaten in a day keeps it "real" as well - you can't whinge that you're not losing weight when you've got it in black and white in front of you that you've eaten two chocolate-coated crackers and a meat pie with tomato sauce that day... hypothetically speaking. I have already recommended this site to my colleagues because I was very impressed by it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

#33 Express yourself through online art

What can I say about this? The Picassohead tool was kind of fun but, as we were warned, totally had no purpose. I looked at the Snowflake one because I thought that sounded kind of interesting but it was a massive disappointment!

#32 Online File Storage

I wasn't a big fan of this site because I don't think I'd want to share my files with other people. In terms of saving my files on eSnips (the tool I explored) so that I can access them later I think I'd prefer to just use my memory stick and carry that around with me. I suppose it could be useful for travelling if you don't want to carry anything with you but I think it's just as easy to email documents to your web-based email account. For me I couldn't see any benefit to using these tools.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

#31 Get organised with Plaxo

I really like this tool - I think it's really nifty that you can have different calendars (eg work and social) but overlap them so that you can see both at the same time. The task list is good as well and the scheduling of birthdays. I liked it as a personal organisational tool but I wasn't a huge fan of the connections and sharing your calendar with others. It's nice to have one place to view all the things that you need to remember. Having said that I probably will continue for now using my old fashioned diaries (two seperate diaries for work and social) and my Outlook calendar which we have to use for work. If we didn't have to use Outlook I would consider using Plaxo but having two online calendars seems excessive. I do like the concept though and found it really easy to use.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

#30 LOLcats

To be honest I find this whole thing a bit bizarre. I quite like cats (being one myself) but most of the pictures weren't that funny. I don't know - maybe I'm a little non-receptive as it's Friday afternoon. Anyway, here is a link to a LOLcat that I created myself and one other image that I came across that I liked because it is sooooo cute!


more animals

#29 Scrapblog

It took me some time to work this one out but after a fair bit of playing around I really love this tool. It requires very little creativity and I love the "stickers" concept - it's like you're reliving your childhood! Lots of fun once I'd worked it out. I thought it was a shame that the scrapblog once it's done can't be saved onto a memory stick - to access it again I'd have to get into the net and play it through Scrapblog or Flickr.