Monday, November 26, 2007

# 14 Technorati

Technorati kind of scares me. Call me fuddy-duddy but this is where blogging doesn't appeal to me - the whole putting it "out there". I know that people can find my blog anyway but Technorati makes it easier. I certainly won't be in a rush to add tags to my blog. Not that there is anything private or juicy anywhere in my blog but to me it does feel a bit like writing in a diary, it's like stream of consciousness, and I feel awkward putting it out there for complete strangers to read. Searching in various ways on Technorati and looking at the popular posts and blogs was weird - a lot of not so relevant results, I suppose because there is just so much on there and many blogs are not specifically about a particular topic, they might just mention that topic in one of their posts.

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